Tuesday, November 5, 2019

High Speed Photography

 The high-speed photography style is an interesting artistic choice to me. It can produce very striking images that capture the viewers' attention because it is something that cannot be seen by the human eye. While a lot of the time it is not applied to landscape and nature photography, it definitely can, with things such as capturing a hummingbird's wings in detail while they are in motion, or capturing images of waves crashing on rocks with all the individual water droplets in detail. Below I have linked an article that explains how to do this photography. You would think you could only capture high-speed images with a special camera capable of extremely fast shutter speeds. This article explains how to capture these high-speed images with most digital cameras that have manual settings.

Like I said before, he talks about how really any digital camera with manual settings would work just fine for high-speed photography as well as any lens is fine as well. The only other equipment requirements are a tripod and a flash. He discusses doing this type of photography in a dark room. What he does is set the camera to bulb mode and uses the flash to expose the shot at the right moment and also uses a narrow aperture. He says to use the flash at the lowest power setting so it is as short as possible. This can produce amazing shots that will be very striking because it is not something you can normally see.

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