Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Black and White Photography.

In modern times, with the wide availability of color digital cameras, much of the landscape and wildlife photography is mostly done in color. Despite this, I think that black and white photography is somewhat underrated and underused. Although many professional photographers use black and white sometimes, I believe that it should be more used and appreciated.

 An article, which I linked below, discusses the benefits and reasoning as to why black and white photography is more powerful and can bring a new perspective to the subject. First, it states that colors can be distracting, making it hard to focus on the subject and sometimes detracting from the intended message and focus. The textbook states that reds can be very distracting when they are not a part of the intended subject. so using a black and white filter when editing can be a creative way to solve this issue if it exists in one of your photos. The intended subject becomes much easier to focus on for the audience. Next, he states that it keeps you focused on the composition and texture of the photo. It's easier to focus on. It draws focus to the shapes, light and shadows, and lines and perspective. This can make the photo more convincing and powerful than it would be if it was in color. Finally, he states that it can be more classy, aesthetic and bring an artistic look that does not come in color.

I think that black and white photography also brings out details that may otherwise be overlooked in a color photo. I also think it takes a good eye for composition to make these photos work.


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